Funny, how you selected your timing here, David. I too have been summoned to once again trek down that "dark alley" and see what lurks there. i think lurking time is, once again, on us, witness the brazen dishonesty shown by members of the mainstream media, in this case, ABC news.

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Wow Dave! This is awesome! Congrats!

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Great stuff. What an achievement! This has taken a huge amount of dedication and patience and was a superb read from start to finish. Really excellent writing. I am in awe and if I'm honest quite jealous of your ability to see such an ambitious project through to the end. How do I get me some of that determination??

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I really appreciate you for saying this April. It means more to me than you realize, and I can't thank you enough. And by the way... Now that I'm done I'm going to keep my promise about signing a copy and sending it to you-we will connect offline to work out how I'm going to pull that off :)

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I am honoured and very excited about this David! Thank you. 🙏❤

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I'm told I'll receive my copy on Friday. Thanks, Dave

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Mine will be here today as well even though I can't read the damn thing :)

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Congrats, David!

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