Thank you my friend. Here is a link to the video of his presentation that I clipped from for the first half part two. It's a great video worth the hour to sit through
Reading this line by line, taking the time i oddly have today to respectfully follow your arguments and disinclined to draw any conclusions, but only listen.
Question: Other than a deference you appear to have to a higher Being (as opposed to what might be characterized as higher consciousness) are you in fact progressing to a conclusion, (if indeed there is some unequivocal one) in your mind?
Thank you for the comment and the question, Patris. I sincerely do not have any deference for one term over another because there is no way of knowing, one way or another- the universe, at least as we understand it today, is infinite, but something much larger than our species on planet Earth is going on out there beyond our capacity to comprehend. The premise behind this series is not to suggest any right answer but to inform readers of the history of how faith and belief systems shaped Society and warn against allowing government interference to decide for us what we can and cannot believe. My guide in developing this piece was Thomas Paine's Common Sense, both in construction and word count, but where his presentation was putting before the American people the choice between reconciling with the King and staying subjects of a monarchy or parting ways with him and establish the country we have today. I have 10,000 words to go, and shy of giving you a spoiler, what is in front of all Nations - not just America- is a similar decision to be made with far more dire consequences if chosen poorly. As always, I appreciate you being here and interacting with me on this type of content.
Great stuff David, so well written. I feel that I have been herded and brainwashed for the whole of my (nearly) 6 decades on this planet, into being suitable easily governed material to feed the money and power machine. I remember at school (in England) when we were taught about Oliver Cromwell what a 'bad guy' he was, how we were so encouraged to cheer for the royalists. This appears to be how all history is taught to us and over time it seems we have forgotten to ask questions, to think for ourselves and to understand what Natural Law even is.
Thank you, April. I know what you mean about what we are taught in school and how much of it is factual truth versus cynical and jaded partial truth in order to avoid Inconvenient Truth. You know, it is a lot more fun to write the Hermit Chronicles stuff because even though the stories I tell are true, I get to laugh the whole way through writing them. When I research the content for this nonfiction stuff I am always disheartened by how much I keep learning that not enough people on this planet really want us to know- it is scary how much better things could be made to be in this world if people could spend a little more time just telling the damn truth about how we got here and what we might want to consider doing to make the world a better place by learning about our past mistakes in order to prevent making them again in the future.
Ahh yes, I call that the 'Gene Roddenberry' vision of the world. The Star Trek perception of the world where humans get to a stage in a mere few hundred years from now, where we are 'oh so much nicer and more evolved'. In truth what Roddenberry did was put all the 'bad' characteristics of humans onto the other species. Aggressive Klingons, Greedy Ferengi, over logical Vulcans, power hungry Cardassians etc etc. But I suppose evolution and even life itself does not happen without conflict and perhaps we are witnessing a stage where the greedy and the power hungry have reached a pinnacle of 'evil' (for want of a better word) and it is at this point that massive change happens amidst great tragedy. Whether you and I will be alive to witness this is unlikely. Shame that really. Keep writing David, this is honestly great. In my opinion it showcases perfectly your skill as a writer and philosopher.
I love your Star Trek analogy... It is spot on! When I was researching the evolution of we sapiens and the Great Migration out of Africa 120,000 years ago I tried to imagine what it was like for them and then project onto the current version of our species just how much lazier, dumber and unwise we have become, the more we evolve and refine ourselves... Allegedly :).
It is possible though that even this assumed history is not the first time we have 'evolved'. All our guesses about how the universe works, how old everything is, and the 'story so far' are just our best guesses. Perhaps we have reached this stage several times before and each time we make this kind of mess and have to start all over ha ha, who knows? In a parallel universe perhaps we are even making a better job of things? It just so happens that in this universe we 'learnt' that power and money control all and we can't help our poor little human brains but to follow that instinct. You are right to laugh though David, even if sometimes I feel my laughter verges on the hysterical. We are witness. We are given an amazing onboard computer (brain) to keep asking the questions. Maybe, I speculate, that those of us who ask these questions will get selected for the next attempt at evolution!
It's funny you say that April- great minds and all that- in my weekly phone call last week with my writing partner in crime @vassarbushmills I said exactly that... Our planet is said to be four and a half billion years old. For all we know, this cycle has been going on for billions of years, and we just haven't dug deep enough to find fossils that pre-date countless Rises and falls of life. And since Anything is Possible, literally anything, parallel universes aren't out of the question:)
Indeed! It is the very hubris of our species which makes me laugh so much, we think we are so effing smart ha ha ha. You are right David, anything is possible. I am learning to keep the doors in my mind open and to abandon all use of the word 'crazy' in the context of what other 'fringe' humans say. I have become a Fringe Human or do we just call ourselves 'hermits' now? 😂
I can already smell gunsmoke, Dave. They are leading with their chin, doubling down on the belief that, 2020, the People will simply walk away after the next (and last) steal, and for the remainder of their (our) generation, will sit around muttering , "one of these days we're gonna run this construction company" (an old line from a comedian from the 80s.
Only we won't.
And as reminded to them for Lo, at least from the Obama years, we will rise, fully armed with that same old boring Constitution, and smack them over the head with it. They are no longer American, they are French;
We have a large collection of art from those days, of the stories of the childless children who go by the name of Brotherless and Sisterless; been collecting them for several years:
I'm happy to announce that their replacements, have two-and-three siblings, as attested by the Vice President candidate, J D Vance.
You know, Vassar, my current research to finish part 2 has taken me to the causes of the fall of Rome... Through the enlightenment and the post modernist movement, and into the first rise of progressivism in the early 1900s and its second Rise that we are watching unfold today. The national self-hatred, in large part inspired by a poor interpretation of Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche-accidentally or on purpose-makes me wonder what all these" smart people" thinks is going to happen to them less than a generation from now when the national sovereignty of the United States surrenders itself to the will of the "New World Order" all the rich white guys are planning to be in control over.
My only answer to that question (today) is that those things will only happen after a shooting war, There appears to be a handoff b/t our Gen and the Post-millennials, Vance's kids?, ...this campaign in 2024 directed only to the most recent..
We will certainly know by Christmas how much anyone cares whether be America we grew up in has any interest in standing up for itself or if it will choose to bend a knee at the boot of a despotic global King.
Thank you Bliss-my goal with this project is not to tell anyone what to think but simply present historical fact , offer my thoughts and commentary,and let readers draw their own conclusions... Invite them to think long term, as in the great grandchildren of their great grandchildren-we'll all be dead, long dead, but how do we envision what life will be like for them; do we like the trajectory of how things have unfolded since the Civil War enough to just pass it on to them whatever it looks like a century from now? I have a little over 10K words to go, so thank you for staying Tunes
Great piece David. I look forward to reading more of Guinness. Thank you.
Thank you my friend. Here is a link to the video of his presentation that I clipped from for the first half part two. It's a great video worth the hour to sit through
Reading this line by line, taking the time i oddly have today to respectfully follow your arguments and disinclined to draw any conclusions, but only listen.
Question: Other than a deference you appear to have to a higher Being (as opposed to what might be characterized as higher consciousness) are you in fact progressing to a conclusion, (if indeed there is some unequivocal one) in your mind?
Thank you for the comment and the question, Patris. I sincerely do not have any deference for one term over another because there is no way of knowing, one way or another- the universe, at least as we understand it today, is infinite, but something much larger than our species on planet Earth is going on out there beyond our capacity to comprehend. The premise behind this series is not to suggest any right answer but to inform readers of the history of how faith and belief systems shaped Society and warn against allowing government interference to decide for us what we can and cannot believe. My guide in developing this piece was Thomas Paine's Common Sense, both in construction and word count, but where his presentation was putting before the American people the choice between reconciling with the King and staying subjects of a monarchy or parting ways with him and establish the country we have today. I have 10,000 words to go, and shy of giving you a spoiler, what is in front of all Nations - not just America- is a similar decision to be made with far more dire consequences if chosen poorly. As always, I appreciate you being here and interacting with me on this type of content.
Thank you, David. Will be following you, as I do, with interest in your thoughts.
Great stuff David, so well written. I feel that I have been herded and brainwashed for the whole of my (nearly) 6 decades on this planet, into being suitable easily governed material to feed the money and power machine. I remember at school (in England) when we were taught about Oliver Cromwell what a 'bad guy' he was, how we were so encouraged to cheer for the royalists. This appears to be how all history is taught to us and over time it seems we have forgotten to ask questions, to think for ourselves and to understand what Natural Law even is.
Thank you, April. I know what you mean about what we are taught in school and how much of it is factual truth versus cynical and jaded partial truth in order to avoid Inconvenient Truth. You know, it is a lot more fun to write the Hermit Chronicles stuff because even though the stories I tell are true, I get to laugh the whole way through writing them. When I research the content for this nonfiction stuff I am always disheartened by how much I keep learning that not enough people on this planet really want us to know- it is scary how much better things could be made to be in this world if people could spend a little more time just telling the damn truth about how we got here and what we might want to consider doing to make the world a better place by learning about our past mistakes in order to prevent making them again in the future.
Ahh yes, I call that the 'Gene Roddenberry' vision of the world. The Star Trek perception of the world where humans get to a stage in a mere few hundred years from now, where we are 'oh so much nicer and more evolved'. In truth what Roddenberry did was put all the 'bad' characteristics of humans onto the other species. Aggressive Klingons, Greedy Ferengi, over logical Vulcans, power hungry Cardassians etc etc. But I suppose evolution and even life itself does not happen without conflict and perhaps we are witnessing a stage where the greedy and the power hungry have reached a pinnacle of 'evil' (for want of a better word) and it is at this point that massive change happens amidst great tragedy. Whether you and I will be alive to witness this is unlikely. Shame that really. Keep writing David, this is honestly great. In my opinion it showcases perfectly your skill as a writer and philosopher.
I love your Star Trek analogy... It is spot on! When I was researching the evolution of we sapiens and the Great Migration out of Africa 120,000 years ago I tried to imagine what it was like for them and then project onto the current version of our species just how much lazier, dumber and unwise we have become, the more we evolve and refine ourselves... Allegedly :).
It is possible though that even this assumed history is not the first time we have 'evolved'. All our guesses about how the universe works, how old everything is, and the 'story so far' are just our best guesses. Perhaps we have reached this stage several times before and each time we make this kind of mess and have to start all over ha ha, who knows? In a parallel universe perhaps we are even making a better job of things? It just so happens that in this universe we 'learnt' that power and money control all and we can't help our poor little human brains but to follow that instinct. You are right to laugh though David, even if sometimes I feel my laughter verges on the hysterical. We are witness. We are given an amazing onboard computer (brain) to keep asking the questions. Maybe, I speculate, that those of us who ask these questions will get selected for the next attempt at evolution!
It's funny you say that April- great minds and all that- in my weekly phone call last week with my writing partner in crime @vassarbushmills I said exactly that... Our planet is said to be four and a half billion years old. For all we know, this cycle has been going on for billions of years, and we just haven't dug deep enough to find fossils that pre-date countless Rises and falls of life. And since Anything is Possible, literally anything, parallel universes aren't out of the question:)
Indeed! It is the very hubris of our species which makes me laugh so much, we think we are so effing smart ha ha ha. You are right David, anything is possible. I am learning to keep the doors in my mind open and to abandon all use of the word 'crazy' in the context of what other 'fringe' humans say. I have become a Fringe Human or do we just call ourselves 'hermits' now? 😂
I can already smell gunsmoke, Dave. They are leading with their chin, doubling down on the belief that, 2020, the People will simply walk away after the next (and last) steal, and for the remainder of their (our) generation, will sit around muttering , "one of these days we're gonna run this construction company" (an old line from a comedian from the 80s.
Only we won't.
And as reminded to them for Lo, at least from the Obama years, we will rise, fully armed with that same old boring Constitution, and smack them over the head with it. They are no longer American, they are French;
We have a large collection of art from those days, of the stories of the childless children who go by the name of Brotherless and Sisterless; been collecting them for several years:
I'm happy to announce that their replacements, have two-and-three siblings, as attested by the Vice President candidate, J D Vance.
Hurts. don't it?
You know, Vassar, my current research to finish part 2 has taken me to the causes of the fall of Rome... Through the enlightenment and the post modernist movement, and into the first rise of progressivism in the early 1900s and its second Rise that we are watching unfold today. The national self-hatred, in large part inspired by a poor interpretation of Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche-accidentally or on purpose-makes me wonder what all these" smart people" thinks is going to happen to them less than a generation from now when the national sovereignty of the United States surrenders itself to the will of the "New World Order" all the rich white guys are planning to be in control over.
My only answer to that question (today) is that those things will only happen after a shooting war, There appears to be a handoff b/t our Gen and the Post-millennials, Vance's kids?, ...this campaign in 2024 directed only to the most recent..
We will certainly know by Christmas how much anyone cares whether be America we grew up in has any interest in standing up for itself or if it will choose to bend a knee at the boot of a despotic global King.
I have enjoyed reading this. and The questions and comments, I need to take more time with, to think. Thank you.
Thank you Bliss-my goal with this project is not to tell anyone what to think but simply present historical fact , offer my thoughts and commentary,and let readers draw their own conclusions... Invite them to think long term, as in the great grandchildren of their great grandchildren-we'll all be dead, long dead, but how do we envision what life will be like for them; do we like the trajectory of how things have unfolded since the Civil War enough to just pass it on to them whatever it looks like a century from now? I have a little over 10K words to go, so thank you for staying Tunes