Excellent. A theme that needs to be raised time and time again, regardless of how redundant it may seem, for it seems each generation is given short schrift as to the meaning of the fundamentals that underlie the ideal.
Interesting point of view here, makes me think i should look into my own country's constitution before complaining of the state of things as we so often do. Might make me understand how this country is supposed to work a little better myself.
Excellent. A theme that needs to be raised time and time again, regardless of how redundant it may seem, for it seems each generation is given short schrift as to the meaning of the fundamentals that underlie the ideal.
I hope you'll post this at VB as well.
I will. Let's discuss the progression I have planned going forward during our call tomorrow..
Interesting point of view here, makes me think i should look into my own country's constitution before complaining of the state of things as we so often do. Might make me understand how this country is supposed to work a little better myself.
You are.
Exactly right, Jenny.You have to know it before you can bitch about it.